Wednesday, 13 February 2013

how to use Numpad as your mouse

If mouse is not attached to computer then you can use this trick.
1. press alt+shift+NumLock  or go to step 3 
  One mouse keys dialog box is open.

2. then click on "Go to the Ease of Access Center to disable the keyboard shortcut" or  "setting"(depend on windows version you are using)

3.  (control panel > Ease of Access > Ease of Access Center > Make the keyboard easier to use > set up Mouse Keys)

4. then Set up mouse keys dialog box is open as shown in below snapshot.

  choose the options as shown in snapshot with red marks.(use spacebar for tick mark the checkbox) on the "Apply" button and then "OK" button.

Now when your NumLock key is on you can use numpad as your mouse(for control use keys 2,4,6,8 on numpad, for move the mouse pointer continuously press this keys and for clicking use key 5)

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